Just about every business person out there knows why it is important to have a website. However when it comes to clients’ understanding about iPhone apps many clients do not have a clear idea about why their business needs and app and what it will do for them
I will help you articulate the differences between websites and apps so that you could clearly explain the benefits of apps to your clients.
Websites vs. Apps
So the customer says I already have a web site. What do I need an app for? The simple answer is that apps engage customers in a way that websites never could.
1. App Store Presence = Being Found. There are over 250 million websites in the world today. The chances of your customer’s website being found is realistically speaking pretty small. Even though there are several hundred thousand apps in the iPhone App Store, chances are your app will show up in a search if it were tagged with specific keywords and its function is specific in nature. For example a search for “Law Firm Boston” produced only 2 results. Your client could be the third! Given the number of searches in the App Store that’s a lot of new exposure!
2. Universal Access = business anytime, anywhere. App users can access your information anytime from anywhere. A well designed app will let you do this even if Internet connection is not present. Customers live busy lives so enabling them to do business with you 7/24 is a major plus and often makes the difference between getting the business or not
3. Taking Pictures = fun and time saving. Apps are great at taking advantage of Smartphone features. Being able to take a picture and instantly send it opens up all kinds of new ways of customer engagement. From send us your picture contests to taking a picture of a smashed car and submitting insurance claim. Can’t do that with a website
4. One touch Calling = super convenience. The phone is in your customers hands all day long vs an hour a day an average person spends on a computer. When a person needs your product or service think about how easy it is to open your app and make a call. In today’s busy world, this simple convenience often makes the difference between making a sale or not
5. Time spent with Smartphone = massive branding. As I mentioned already an average person spends about an hour a day on a computer and numerous times per day paying attention to the Smartphone. Just walk around any city and take a look at people around you. People are “glued” to their Smartphone!
6. Engagement = response = results. The Smartphone is still a novelty. When a message pops up on the screen people pay attention. That’s how it was with email 15 years ago. You can engage customers and get response to promotions many times that of emailed newsletters. Many businesses have realized this and are using Smartphone notification services to announce special deals and drive customer traffic to the nearby stores
7. GPS = Help them find you. Another simple convenience offered by Smartphone. Just about every Smartphone has a GPS. Customers can get step by step directions to clients’ nearest locations. Can’t do that with a website